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ShorSoft Software Developers - Requirements Engineering Department
We understand that functional and user-friendly software comes from well-defined foundations. Therefore, we take great pride in our requirements engineering department. Our engineers perfect every specification for the software that we create.
We primarily create market-driven software for general consumers. However, we also create some customer-driven software for special projects. First, our team makes a detailed requirements document. This is based on elicitation of the requirements. Typically, the information separate team provides validation and verification for that document. This process prevents mistakes and ensures precision.
We organize requirements by the most appropriate parameters for the software. Specifications can be organized by the mode, user class, or response. In less-common cases, requirements documents are organized by real-life objects. Or they might be determined by some other functional hierarchy.
One way or another, we'll get the job done. For more information about requirements engineering services, contact our customer service department.
Engineers find errors in. equirements documents during the validation and verification processes.
* specification: 사양
*market-driven: 시장 주도형
*customer-driven: 고객 주도형
*elicidation: 도출
*validation: 유효성
*verification: 확인
*precision: 정확성
*functional hierarchy: 기능상의 위계
Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers.
Q1. What is the purpose of the webpage?
A. to list job qualifications for a requirements engineering position
B. to define various requirements engineering concepts
C. to review a company's requirements engineering process
D. to describe the work experience of several requirements engineers
Q2. Which of the following is NOT a parameter used validation and verification?
A. user class
B. objects
C. mode
D. verification
Q3. Why does a second team of engineers provide validation and verification?
A. to avoid errors in the requirements document
B. to organize requirements specifications
C. to ensure elicitation of important information
D. to determine the most appropriate functional hierarchy
Q1. Match the words or phrases with the definitions.
A. customer-driven : designed in resposnse to specific needs of potential users
B. market-driven : designed for broad purposes
C. specification : a precise definition of a problem
D. requirements engineering : the practice of specifying the necessary features and functions of software
E. elicitation: the process of becoming apparent or realized
F. validation: the act of checking that requirements are stated correctly
G. verification: the act of checking that requirements are correnct
H. user-friendly: easy for most people to understand or use
Q2. Wirte a word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part
1. Some software is defined in terms of its relationship to real life things that can be touched or seen.
2. Software specifications can change depending on the status of the person who is using the software.
User class
3. If no traditional specifications are appropriate, a requirements document can be organized by any undefined system.
Functional hierarchy
4. Software that changes according to the way it is used can be defined according to its changeable system of operation.
5. The type of information provided by software upon request is sometimes a specification in requirements documents.
A: Can you give me an update on the new project?
B: It's going slowly. It was good at first, but we found some major problems when we did the verification.
A: What were the problems?
B: All of the data was correct, but it was organized in a way that didn't make much sense.
A: Will we able to fix the problem?
B: Yes. Instead of organizing it by mode, we've decided to switch to user class.
A: How long will that take?
B: We should have it done by the end of the month.
A: Oh, good. I was worried we couldn't make the client's deadline.
Complete the project update.
ShorSoft Software Developers
Hi Greg,
Here is an update on the library catalog project.
Current stage: WE are currently plugging new data into the requirements document.
Problems encountered: During validation, we discovered that our data was not organized well.
Next steps: When we finish updating the data, we will complete validation again to ensure everything is correct this time.
Let me know if you have any questions.
1. user-friendly specifications: 사용하기에 편리한 사양들
2. market-driven: 시장 주도형
3. customer-driven: 고객 주도형
4. elicitation: (정보의) 도출, elicit: 도출하다
5. validation: 유효성, 타당성
6. verification: 확인 verify: 확인하다
7. response: 반응 respond to
8. functional hierarchy: 기능상의 위계 rank, classification
9. parameter: 매개변수
10. precise: 정확성 correct
11. primarily: 주로 mainly
12. well-defined: 잘 정의된
13. real-life objects: (가상, 허구가 아닌) 실재 존재하는 물체
14. provide: 제공하다 provide A with B(를)
15. ensure: 보장하다, 반드시 ~하게 하다 make sure, guarantee
16. contact: 연락하다 keep in touch with, correspond with somebody(주고받다, 상응하다)
*primary school: 초등학교
secondary school: 중-고등학교
post-secondary school: 고등학교
*undergraduate: 학부
graduate: 대학원
Q1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate word in the box.
1. A mordern, successful organization is adaptive and customer-driven.
: 현대적이고 성공적인 조직은 적응력이 뛰어나고 고객 중심적이다.
2. They tried to ensure uniformity across the different departments.
: 그들은 서로 다른 부서들 간의 균일성을 확보하기 위해 애썼다.
3. We are proud of this year-long project and hope you will find our new site more informative and user-friendly.
: 일년에 걸쳐 진행될 이번 작업에 대해 저희는 자긍심을 갖고 있으며 새로운 디자인을 통해 여러분도 더 많은 유익한 정보를 쉽게 찾을 수 있게 되기를 바랍니다.
4. Lawyers should avoid making arguments whose sole purpose is to elicit sympathy from the jury.
: 변호사들은 배심원들의 동정을 이끌어내는 목적으로 논리를 전개하지 않아야 한다.
5. Theorists contend that in a market-driven economy, competiton alone serves as an adequate regulatory device.
: 이론가들은 시장주도경제에 있어서는 경쟁 그 자체가 충분한 규제 장치로서 역할을 한다고 주장한다.
6. Specify the properties of the parameter.
: 매개 변수의 속성을 지정하십시오.
7. Their clothing is primarly functional and only secondarily decorative.
: 그들의 옷은 주로 기능적이고 장식은 부차적일 뿐이다.
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