A program that generate(만들어내다) pop-ups on your computer or displays advertisements. It is important to note that not all adware programs are necessarily considered malware. There are many legitimate, free programs that display ads to generate revenue. As long as this information is provided up front, they are not considered malware.
A program that allows a remote user to execute(실행하다) commands and tasks on your computer without your permission. These types of programs are typically used to launch(시작하다) attacks on other computers, distribute(배포하다) copyrighted software and media or hack(해킹하다) other computers.
A program that attempts to hijack(장악하다) certain internet functions like redirecting your start page to the hijacker's own start page, redirecting search queries to an undesired search engine or replacing search results from popular search engines with their own information.
A program that, when run, has the ability to self-replicate(자가 복제하다) by infecting other programs and files on your computer. These programs can have many effects. They may wipe(지우다) your hard drive, display a joke in a small box or do nothing at all except replicate themselves. These types of infections tend to be localized to your computer and don't have the ability to spread to another computer on their own.
A program that, when run, has the ability to infect(감염시키다) to other computers on its own using either mass-mailing techniques to email addresses found on your computer or by using the internet to spread(퍼뜨리다) a remote computer using known security holes.
Amy : Help! After I started up my computer this morning, I discovered that I'd lost all my files and that I couldn't control my mouse cursor.
-> Virus
John : Last week, my PC started defaulting to a website I had never seen before. The website was well, not exactly professional in nature. I find this pretty embarrassing but I don't know how to get rid of it.
-> Hijacker
Jiwon : I suddenly started getting pop-ups promoting strange products on my PC. I don't know why. I didn't have the problem before and I didn't click on any links to the pop-ups.
-> Adware
Q1. 다음 영어 표현에 해당하는 우리말을 적으시오.
1. inappropriate : 부적적한
2. alter : 변경하다
3. removable : 제거할 수 있는
4. permission : 허가
5. destory : 파괴하다
6. respected : 존중받는
7. forbidden : 금지된
8. review : 점검하다
9. access : 접속하다
10. copyright : 저작권
11. harming : 손상시키는
12. behaviour : 행동
Q2. 위의 단어를 사용하여 아래와 같은 Stahlwerk 주식회사의 사용 제한 방침을 완성하시오.
Stahlwerk GmbH Acceptable Use Policy
• Always get permission before installing, attempting to install or storing programs on the company’s computers.
• Damaging, disabling or otherwise harming the computers or intentionally wasting resources puts your work at risk and is strictly forbidden.
• Only use the computers for work purposes. Activities such as buying or selling goods, listening to music and visiting social networking sites are inappropriate.
• Always check files brought in on removable media (such as CDs, flash drives, etc.) or on mobile equipment which will be connected to the network with anti-virus software and only use them if they are free of viruses.
Security and privacy
• Other computer users should be respected and should not be harassed, harmed, offended or insulted.
• To protect yourself and the systems, you should respect the security on the computers; attempting to bypass or alter the settings may put you or your work at risk.
• Data on your PC belongs to the company. IT staff may review your files and communications to ensure that you are using the system responsibly.
• You should access the internet only for company activities.
• Respect the work and ownership rights of people outside the company. This includes abiding by copyright laws.
• Only open attachments if they come from someone you know and trust. Attachments can contain viruses or other programs that could destroy all the files and software on your computer.
• Be polite and appreciate that other users might have different views from your own. The use of strong language, swearing or aggressive behaviour is as anti-social on the internet as it is on the street.
1 If you receive material of a violent, dangerous, racist or inappropriate content, always report this to a member of IT sta. -> email
2 Only access suitable material: using the internet to download, send, print, display or otherwise access materials which are unlawful, obscene or abusive is not permitted. -> Internet
3 Protect the computers from spillages by eating or drinking away from your PC. -> Equipment
4 Always be wary about revealing your home address, telephone number, school name or picture to people you meet on the internet. -> Internet
5 Protect your work by keeping your password to yourself; never use someone else’s logon name or password.
-> Security and privacy
Dear Lynton
I received my order for ve Epson scanners today along with your invoice. This is just a quick email to raise a few points with you about this.
I was surprised to read that there is an additional charge of £78.00 for the delivery of the scanners in your invoice . You didn’t mention this on the phone and, if you had, I would have asked you to waive the charge because of the size of my order. The more important point about the invoice is, however, that VAT has been put on top of the price you quoted me. I was under the strong impression that the prices you quoted included VAT. I’d appreciate it if you could look into this for me soon as I won’t be in a position to settle the bill until this has been claried.
Unfortunately, there was also a problem with the order itself. On the phone you told me that the software came as standard with the scanners. However, the scanners arrived minus the software. When I asked the technician who helped us get the EPL N2 55ODTs up and running about this, he told me that I would have to order – and pay for – the software separately. I’d be grateful if you could supply the software at no additional cost as we agreed on the phone.
Thanks in advance for your help with this.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
to raise a few points : to bring up the issues
additional charge : further cost
invoice : Bill
waive : to forgo
was under the strong impression : had the distinct feeling
I'd be grateful if : I'd appreciate it if
Dear Mary
First off, Let me say that I am sorry about the mistakes which were made in your invoice as well as in your order. I have amended the invoice to include the original prices we discussed on the phone inclusive of VAT. I have also sent the software you require: it should be with you tomorrow. To make up for any inconvenience as a result of our oversights, I have included ve packs of photo paper at no extra cost to you.
Appologies once again for our mistakes. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
격식 | 비격식 |
To begin with | Apologies for |
I am writing to | First one |
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions. | is is just a quick email to |
Please accept my apologies for | |
Please get in touch if you have any |
34 Sheldon Avenue, Croydon, CR9 1SD
Mr Lynton North
Hardware Computer Supplies Ltd
96 Warwick Road West
Coventry CV3 9TD
24 April 20XX
Dear Mr North
Delivery charge for Epson scanners
I received your revised invoice for my order of fi ve Epson scanners yesterday and note your inclusion of fi ve packs of photo paper with my order which I will not be charged for. I am grateful for this gesture on your part .
However, I am writing to complain in the strongest possible terms about your having disregarded my complaint about the addition of a delivery charge of £78 .00.
Given that you did not mention this charge during the telephone call that I made to order the scanners, and that there were several mistakes with my invoice and order, I feel that it is only fair that you waive the delivery charge.
I anticipate doing business with you in the future but only on the condition that the delivery charge is, on this occasion, removed from my invoice.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Sincerely
Mary Crane
1. 린턴은메리에게이메일을마지막으로보낸후배송료에대해어떤조치를취했을까요?
He has disregarded her complaint regarding the additional delivery charge.(추가 배송료에 대한 그녀의 항의을 무시했다)
2. 메리는불만의강도를표현하기위해어떤단어를사용했나요?
She uses the words ‘in the strongest possible terms ’ to express her dissatisfaction.(그녀는 ‘가능한 한 가장 강력한 표현 으로 ’라는 표현을 써서 불만 을 표했다)
3. 메리는린턴이어떤조치를취해주길바라나요?
She wants Lynton to remove the additional delivery charge from her invoice.(그녀는 린턴이 청구서에서 추가 배송료를 삭제해 주기를 원한다)
4. 메리는린턴이특정조치를취할수있도록하기위해어떤주장을제기하나요?
She says that he did not mention the charge during their telephone call.(그녀는 통화 시 그가 배송료 문제를 언급하지 않 았다고 말한다)
5. 서신의어떤대목에서격식을엿볼수있나요?
_e headed notepaper, the address, the reference, the purpose of the letter is given in the first line, ‘Yours sincerely ’ , etc.(이름과 주소가 인쇄되어 있는 메모지, 주소, 참조번호, 서신 의 목적이 첫 줄에 제시된 점, ‘Yours sincerely(~올림 ) ’ 등 )
[소프트웨어영어] #13 Software Testing Objectives (0) | 2024.06.15 |
[소프트웨어영어] #11 Design Methods 1 (0) | 2024.06.03 |
[소프트웨어영어] #10 Requirements Engineering (0) | 2024.06.02 |
[소프트웨어영어] #9 Problem Solving (0) | 2024.06.02 |
[소프트웨어영어] #8 Education (0) | 2024.06.02 |