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[소프트웨어영어] #9 Problem Solving


by Lumi03 2024. 6. 2. 16:32


본 내용은 모두 아래의 책을 참고하여 작성하였습니다.

Career Paths: Software Engineering Student's Book (+ Cross-platform Application)


1.  Email


Hey Tim,


I heard you have some bugs with your latest project. I know you're new to the company. This is what works for me when I address problems.


The most important part of problem soving is problem identification. Remember to take a calm approach to the situation. Start with a complete analysis of possible causes. Then, check established procedures for solving common problems. Finding the problem is often the toughest step. But once you do that, application(적용) of a solution is usually easy.


With an iterative process like ours, things can be a little frustrating(답답하다). With each iteration, the software is redefined. This means that everything we develop presents new problems. Creating a synthesis of two different solutions is especially difficult. Luckily, there's a solution for every problem. If you can't find it, somebody else here surely can. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance.


I hope this helps! Good luck on your project!




*address: 다루다

*established: 기존의

*iterative: 반복

*redefined: 재정립

*synthesis: 합성


2. Reading

Read the email. Then, mark the following statements as true(T) or false(F).


1. Checking for established procedures is the first recommended step. F

2. An iterative development process presents fewer problems than other types of processes. F

3. According to the email, solutions are usually easy to apply. T



3. Vocabulary

Q1. Match the words or phrases with the definitions.


A. application : the action of putting something into operation

B. approach : a way of viewing or dealing with something

C. iterative : intended to be updated continually

D. problem identification : the act of analyzing and describing problems

E. problem solving: the ability to eliminate problems

F. synthesis: a combination of multiple elements or things



Q2. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits each blank.


1. address / redefine

A. An updated version of a product can redefine the purpose of the product.

B. It's important to address problems with efficiency.


*address: 다루다


2. analysis / solution

A. Once the cause of a problem has been identified, it is easier to find a solution.

B. Conducting an analysis of a problem is a good first step in problem solving.


3. iteration / procedure

A. Each iteration of a product should feature improvements on the last one.

B. A procedure gives instruction for completing a process.


3. Listening



Engineer1: Hey. How is your project going?

Engineer2: Not very well. I'm still having a lot of problems when I try to run the software.

Engineer1: Really? What have you done to fix it?

Engineer2: I did a quick analysis of the code.

Engineer1: Have you tried anything else?

Engineer2: Yeah, I ran some standard debugging procedures. Then I tried applying some common solution.

Engineer1: Huh. What will you do next?

Engineer2: Well, I just started a more detailed analysis of all the code.





4. Writing


Complete the instructions for problem solving.


[Problem Solving Procedure]


1. Identify the problem. A good way to do this is to complete an analysis of the project and think about possible causes of the problem.


2. Think of a solution. It's a good idea to think of a few possible solutions for the problem.


3. Apply the solution. A good way to do this is to try a synthesis of multiple solutions.


4. Complete an analysis to ensure that the problem has been fully resolved.




5. Additional Vocabulary


1. address: (문제, 상황등에 대해) 고심하다/ 다루다 deal with = solve (a problem)

2. problem identification: 문제 규정/ 파악 identify a problem

3. approach: 접근법 take an approach/ an action

4. analysis: 분석 analyze: 분석하다

5. precedure: 절차 take a precedure

6. application: 적용, 응용 apply: 응용하다, apply to the program

7. solution: 해결책 the solution to(전치사) the problem, key to(전치사) the doorlock

8. iterative: (컴퓨터의 어떤 루프나 일련의 스텝등을) 반복하는 iteration: 반복

9. redefine: 재정립하다 

10. synthesis: 종합/ 합성 synthesize: 통합하다

11. bug: 컴퓨터 버그

12. angle: 각도/ 기울기

13. assistance: 원조/ 도움/ 지원 assist: 도와주다, TA(Teaching Assistant) / RA(Research Assistant)

14. surely: 확실히/ 분명히 certainly 

15. lastest: 최근의 

16. standard: 일반적인/ 표준 규격에 맞춘 established norm(=standard)

17. established: 기존의

18. apply: 적용하다

19. present: 수여/증정하다, 제시/제출하다, 보여주다/나타내다, 문제를 겪게하다 (형용사: 출석한), (명사: 현재,선물)



Q1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate word in the box. 


1. This software has a wider scope of application.

: 이 소프트웨어는 적용범위가 넓다.

2. My mobile is in the latest fashion.

: 내 핸드폰은 최신형이다.

3. An error in software or hardware is called a "bug" in computer science.

: 소프트웨어나 하드웨어의 에러를 컴퓨터과학에서는 버그라고 부른다.

4. We need to redefine what we mean by democracy.

: 우리는 민주주의를 통해 우리가 의미하는 바가 무엇인지를 재정립할 필요가 있다.

5. Their approach to life is refreshingly naive.

: 삶에 대한 그들의 접근법은 신선할 정도로 순진무구하다.

6. Rubber is produced from petroleum by synthesis.

: 고무는 석유를 합성해서 만들어진다.

7. It is an iterative and engaging process.

: 그것은 반복적이고 매력적인 과정이다.

8. He diverged from established procedures.

: 그는 기존의 절차를 벗어났다.


9. Her work is not up to standard.

: 그녀의 작품은 기준에 못 미친다.


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