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[소프트웨어영어] #8 Education


by Lumi03 2024. 6. 2. 14:13


본 내용은 모두 아래의 책을 참고하여 작성하였습니다.

Career Paths: Software Engineering Student's Book (+ Cross-platform Application)


1.  Webpage


Fedinand Technical Institute(FTI) > Degree Programs > Software Engineering


A bachelor's degree from FTI is a great way to begin your software engineering career. We have one of the finest(최고의) programs in the country. 


During the foundation year, students learn engineering principles. They also take mathematics courses, including linear algebra(선형대수학) and calculus(미적분학).


Software engineers must understand hardware components, too. Fundamental(기본적인) courses in computer engineering teach the basics of computer architecture. They also cover physical properties(특성) of general electronics. This includes the application of electrical principles in advanced circuit analysis.


After the basics, students take upper-level software engineering courses. Thses cover implementation of control systems and complex programming.





Software engineering students take foundation courses in mathematics, such as calculus and linear algebra, before they take upper-level courses.


*bachelor's degree: 학사

*linear algebra: 선형대수학

*application: 응용

*circuit anaysis: 회로분석

*implemation : 구현



2. Reading

Read the webpage. Then, complete the table.

Area of study Subjects covered
Foundation year engineering principles, linear algebra, calculus
Computer Engineering computer architecture, electronics(circuit analysis)
Upper-level software engineering course implementation of control systems, complex programming


3. Vocabulary

Q1. Match the words or phrases with the definitions.


A. calculus : a branch of mathematics that analyzes complex physical properties

B. electronics : machines that are powered by electrical system

C. foundation : a general course of study that a student takes before a degree program

D. programming : the process of writing computer software

E. control system: a device that regulates the actions of other devices

F. computer architecture: the physical configuration(구성) of computer hardware components



Q2. Read the sentence pairs. Choose which phrase best fits each blank.


1. bachelor's degree / computer engineering


A. The engineer has a bachelor's degree in computer sciences

B. The student majored in computer engieering in college



2. circuit analysis / linear algebra


A. Students in circuit analysis need strong knowledge of electrical principles

B. The professor's lecture in linear algebra introduced the principles of lines and planes(평면)


*bachelor's degree: 학사

*master's degree: 석사

*doctor's degree: 박사


3. Listening


Advisor: So, Ben. Let's talk about next semester.

Student: Okay. Can I enroll in advenced courses yet?

Advisor: Well, not quite. You still have some foundation work to finish.

Student:  Really? Like what?

Advisor: First, you need to take calculus. Then you can enroll in upper-level courses.

Student:  I guess I'll do that, then. What else should I take next semester?

Advisor: Let's get you started on some basic computer engineering courses.

Student:  Yes, I think I'm ready for that.

Advisor: I'll sign you up for computer architecture.


4. Speaking



A:  Let's talk about next semester.

B:  Can I enroll in software programming courses yet?

A:  Not quite. You still have some foundation work to finish.

B:  Like what?

A:  First, you need to take some basic electronics courses. Then you can enroll in upper-level courses.

B:  I guess I'll do that. What else should I take next semester?

A:  Let's get you started on some mathematics courses.

B:  Yes, I think I'm ready for that.

A:  I'll sign you up for linear algebra.



5. Writing


Complete the academic progress report form.


[Academic Progress Report Form]


What courses did the student take already?

The student completed the foundation courses Calculus and Computer Engineering next semester.


What courses do you recommend for next semester?

I recommend that students take Linear Algebra and Intro to Electronics.


How will these courses help the student meet his or her long-term goals?

These courses will help the student complete the Foundation education and prepare him for more advanced programming courses.




6. Additional Vocabulary

Let's get(준사역동사) you started on


Calculus(differntiation, integration)


1. foundation 기초 lay the foundation(base, basis) for

2. linear algebra: 선형 대수학

3. bachelor's degree: 학사

     master's degree: 석사

     doctor's degree: 박사, oral defense, dissertation, thesis: 논문

     associate degree: 전문대

4. computer engineering: 컴퓨터 공학

5. computer architecture: 컴퓨터 구조

6. electronics: 전자공학 electrical engineering

7. circuit analysis: 회로분석

8. control system: 제어 시스템

9. programming: 프로그래밍

10. principle: 원칙, 원리

11. application: 응용

12. implementation: 실행 implement(carry out)

13. upper-level: 상급 <=> lower-level



Q1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate word in the box. 

1. The field of electronics is a branch of physis and electrical engineering that deals with the emission, behavior and effects of electrons using electronic devices.

: 전자공학은 전자기기를 이용한 전자의 방출, 행동, 영향을 다루는 물리학과 전기공학 분야이다.

2. A control system manges, commands, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using control loops.

: 제어 시스템은 제어루프를 사용하여 다른 장치나 시스템의 동작을 관리, 명령, 지시 또는 조절합니다.

3. Circuit analysis is the process of finding all the currents and voltages in a network of connected components.

: 회로분석은 연결된 구성요소의 네트워크에서 모든 전류와 전압을 찾는 프로세스입니다.

4. I receive a bachelor's degree in physics

: 나는 물리학 학사 학위를 받았다.

5. Whil I was doing my master's degree, I was required to write six term papers that were about 15 pages each, and also I had to write a sixty-page final dissertation.

: 제가 대학원에서 공부하는 동안 저는 각각 15페이지 분량의 학기말 논문 여섯개를 써야했고, 60페이지 분량의 최종학위 논문을 써야했습니다.

6. In computer engineering, Computer Architecture is a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer system.

: 컴퓨터공학에서 컴퓨터구조는 컴퓨터 시스템의 기능, 구성, 구현을 설명하는 규칙과 방법의 집합이다.


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