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본문 제목

[소프트웨어영어] #3 System Software 2


by Lumi03 2024. 4. 10. 21:00



본 내용은 모두 아래의 책을 참고하여 작성하였습니다.

Career Paths: Software Engineering Student's Book (+ Cross-platform Application)


1.  Paragraph


SharpAlert: computing systems


Security threats can cause serious damage to your computer. SharpAlert offers excellent security software to keep your computer safe.


Antivirus Software - Don't let unauthorized parties(사람들) steal your personal information with spyware! And stop viruses before they destory your computer. The SharpAlert Exviro package protects against all types of malware. It quarantines infected files. Then threat removal just takes one click.


Firewalls - Rememeber to update network security programs regularly. SharpAlert's Steelbar firewall permits access only to authorized users. It will deny access to anyone without proper credentials. Make sure your confidential information stays confidential!



Spyware and viruses are both malware, but they function differently. Spyware is hidden software that collects personal data from the computer, and users often do not notice it is there. Viruses, on the other hand, usually noticably disrupt computer functions.


* ensure = make sure

* on behalf of money : 돈을 대신하여



2. Reading

Read the paragraph. Then, mark the following statements as True(T) or False(F).


1. The company's Exviro package includes protection against spyware. T

2. The antivirus software destroys files that are infected by malware. F

-> destroy 가 아니고 quarantines(격리시키다)이 맞음

3. The webpage recommends using antivirus software instead of firewalls. F

-> instead of 가 아니고 both임

=> recommend, suggest, consider 뒤에는 동명사 목적어가 옴


3. Vocabulary

Q1. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.


1. The purpose of the software is to not allow access to unauthorized users.  : deny , predict(=say): 예측하다

2. The system allows access only after users enter thier passwords. : permits

3. The engineer installed a program that protects a computer from various threats on the company's systems.

: security software


Q2. Place the words and pharses from the word blank under the correct headings.

Security threats Security programs Protective actions
1. malware
2. virus
3. spyware
1. firewall
2. antivirus software
1. remove
2. quarantine


3. Listening



Engineer: Well, Mr. Clay. I removed the spyware from your company's system.

Manager:  Oh, thank you! Our systems contain a lot of confidential infromation.

Engineer: Yes, I can see that. If you don't update our security software, you could really be in trouble.

Manager: Really? You think this will happen again?

Engineer: Whoever wanted your information is likely to keep trying.

Manager: I guess we'd better update the company's antivirus software, then



* be in a big trouble   I'm busted   keep(continue) + ing


* had better + 조동사 : 하는게 낫다   would rather + 조동사  : 하는게 좋다


A: I removed the virus from your company's system.

B: Thank you. Our systems contain a lot of important information. -> important = vital = essential


A: I can see that. If you don't update your security software, you could really be in trouble.

B: Really? You think this will happen again?

A: Whoever wanted to damage your system is likely to keep trying.

B: I guess we'd better update the company's antivirus software, than.

A: I reDefinitely. And I recommend a better firewall.

B: What does that do?

A: It will prevent unauthorized access to the company network. -> prevent = stop = prohibit + 목적어 + from + ing



4. Writing


Complete the email


Dear Mr. Greene,


I am concerned(=be worried about) about your company's computer security. When I inspected(= look into = examine : 검사하다) your systems, I discovered a virus. This is dangerous because it could have damaged your systems and lost your confidential information. To keep your system safe, I recommand upgrading your anti-virus software. This will help because it will prevent the installing of dangerous malware.


Let's meet to discuss this further


Danielle Corwin

SharpAlert Computing Systems


* could have pp : 가능성의 의미-> 했었을 수도 있었을텐데

* take precaution = prevent : 미연에 조치를 취하다

* take action : 행동을 취하다

   take caution : 조심하다



5. Additional Vocabulary

1. Security software : 서버, 노트북, 모바일 장치, 네트워크 등이 나쁜 접근으로부터 망가지는 것을 막고, 악성코드를 비롯해 위협적인 요소로 부터 보호하는 역할을 함

2. Antivirus software : 바이러스 방지 소프트웨어

3. Malware : 악성코드 ->  시스템 파괴, 정보 유출 등 나쁜 소프트웨어, 주로 불분명한 freeware program에 악성코드가 포함될 확률이 높다.

[Malware 종류]

바이러스(virus) 사용자 몰래 프로그램이나 실행가능한 부분을 변형하여 자신을 복사하는 프로그램을 말한다. 복제와 감염이 특징이지만, 다른 네트워크의 컴퓨터로 스스로 전파되지는 않는다
웜(worm) Network Aware Virus라고 불리며, 다른 프로그램의 감염없이 자신 또는 변형된 자신을 복제하는 명령어들, 인터넷을 통해서 다른 컴퓨터로전파하는 악성 프로그램이다. 
바이러스와의 차이점은 인위적인 조작 없이도 자동으로 실행되며, 스스로 전파한다. 
웜은 기억장소에 코드형태 또는 실행파일로 존재하며, 실행되면 파일이나 코드자체를 다른 시스템으로 복사한다.
트로이목마(Trojan horse) 사용자가 알 수 없도록 고의로 포함시킨, 자기 자신을 복제하지 않는 명령어들의 조합. 
고의로 포함시킨 점에서 bug와는 다르며, 자신을 복제하지 않는다는 점에서 virus, worm과는 차이점을 가진다. virus나 worm처럼 컴퓨터에 직접적인 영향을 주진 않지만, 공격자의 사용자의 컴퓨터를 원격 조정할 수 있다.
스파이웨어(Spyware) 개인이나 조직의 정보를 몰래 수집하거나 해당 데이터를 소비자의 동의 없이 수집하는 악성코드.
자신이 설치된 시스템의 정보를 원격저의 서버에 주기적으로 보낸다.
보통 개인의 문자, 통화기록, 주소록 등을 탈취한다.

4. quaratine : 격리시키다/격리

5. removal : 제거  remove = eliminate

6. firewall : 방화벽

7. permit : 허용하다  seek permission 허가증 / a parking pemit 허가

8. deny : 거부하다  reject = refuse to 동사

9. threat : 위협  threaten / we are under threat

10. access : 접근/ 접근하다  = have/ gain access to

11. unauthorized : 승인되지 않은   authority 권한, 정부 당국 / authorized 권한 받은 / Authorized personnel only

12. credential : 자격증, 신임장   confidential 기밀의 / record 기밀정보

13. infected : 감염된   infect 동사 / infection 명사

14. personal : 개인적인   personal problem 사적인 문제 / personnel 인사와 관련된



Q1. Complete the sentences with the most appropriate word in the box. 

1. You should always pay attention to personal grooming.

-> groom 신랑(bestman, 2 ushers), bride 신부(maid of honor, 2 bridemaids)

2. The wound from the dog bite had become infected.

-> wound : 상처

3. No access for unauthorized personnel.

4. These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.

5. Development is not normally permitted in conservation areas.

-> conservation : 자연보호

6. I have a micro-credential in computer processing.

7. They were denied access to the information.

8. The dog was kept(or held) in quarantine for six months.


9. Students must have access to good resources.


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